アイキャッチ(Eye catch)

Duel(決闘) – Free image Vintage postcard

3人のアイヌ民族の男性(3 men of the Ainu)

カードの宛名面(front of a postcard)




決闘(けっとう、英: duel)は、2人の人間が事前に決められた同一の条件のもと、生命を賭して戦うこと。果たし合い。
通常は、一方(挑戦者)が、自らの名誉を回復するために決闘を申し込む。主に、通常の裁判などでは自らの正しさが証明できないときに使われた。一般的に決闘は同じ社会的階級の者同士で行われた。特に上流階級の者同士で行われる決闘は広く注目を集めた。現代、多くの先進国では決闘は禁止されており、まためったに行なわれることはない。 たとえば日本では、決闘罪ニ関スル件(1889年制定)により、決闘は禁じられている。



This is a duel of the Ainu.

The Ainu or the Aynu (Ainu アィヌ Aynu; Japanese: アイヌ Ainu; Russian: Айны Ajny), in the historical Japanese texts Ezo/Emishi/Ebisu (蝦夷) or Ainu (アイヌ), are an indigenous people of Japan (Hokkaido, and formerly northeastern Honshu) and Russia (Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and formerly the Kamchatka Peninsula).

In 1899 the Japanese government passed an act labelling the Ainu as “former aborigines”, with the idea they would assimilate—this resulted in the Japanese government taking the land where the Ainu people lived and placing it from then on under Japanese control. Also at this time, the Ainu were granted automatic Japanese citizenship, effectively denying them the status of an indigenous group.

Their most widely known ethnonym is derived from the word ainu, which means “human” (particularly as opposed to kamui, divine beings), basically neither ethnicity nor the name of a race, in the Hokkaido dialects of the Ainu language. Ainu is the word Ainu identify themselves as from their first male ancestor Aioina; Ainu means human in the Ainu language. Ainu also identify themselves as Utari (comrade in the Ainu language). Official documents use both names.

They have been persecuted in the past.
They’re a minority people at present.

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