アイキャッチ(Eye catch)

Bitter beans(ネジレフサマメ) – Free image Vintage postcard

ネジレフサマメ(サトー)(Bitter beans as Parkia speciosa)

ジャカルタで印刷された絵葉書の宛名面(The postcard was printed in Jakarta in Indonesia)


ネジレフサマメノキ (Parkia speciosa) は、マメ科ネムノキ亜科の植物。東南アジアでは種子を食用に利用している。 ネギやニンニクに似た強い臭気がある。




ネジレフサマメはオランダ語ではPeteh bonenという。

バタヴィア (Batavia) はインドネシアの首都ジャカルタのオランダ植民地時代の名称。インドネシア語では通常バタフィアと発音する。
バタヴィアの名は、古代ローマ時代に今のオランダにあたる地に住んでいたゲルマン人の一部族、バターウィー族(Batavii)に由来し、オランダ地方の古称でもある。この名称はオランダ本国でもフランス支配下のバタヴィア共和国(1793年 – 1806年)として使われたことがある。


Vintage picture postcard of Bitter beans.
This postcard was made with collotype printing.

Parkia speciosa (petai, Indonesia: pete, Manipuri:Yongchak Thai: สะตอ (sataw, sator, sadtor, sa-dtor), English: bitter bean, twisted cluster bean or stink bean) is a plant of the genus Parkia in the family Fabaceae. It bears long, flat edible beans with bright green seeds the size and shape of plump almonds which have a rather peculiar smell, similar to (but stronger than) that of the Shiitake mushroom, characterised by some as being similar to natural gas.

Petai has earned its nickname ‘stink bean’ because its strong smell is very pervasive. It lingers in the mouth and body. Like asparagus, it contains certain amino acids that give a strong smell to one’s urine, an effect that can be noticed up to two days after consumption. Like other beans, their complex carbohydrates can also cause strong-smelling flatulence.

Maybe, This postcard was issued in Jakarta in Indonesia.

Batavia was the name of the capital city of the Dutch East Indies and corresponds to the present-day city of Jakarta.

Batavia was a colonial city for about 320 years until 1942 when the Dutch East Indies fell under Japanese occupation during World War II. During the Japanese occupation and again after Indonesian nationalists declared independence on August 17, 1945, the city was renamed Jakarta. After the war, the Dutch name “Batavia” remained internationally recognized until full Indonesian independence was achieved on December 27, 1949 and Jakarta was officially proclaimed the national capital of Indonesia.

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